Right now, I am working on a PowerShell script to Sync Tasks from Notion to my Microsoft Todo and back. In that case, I am using “Invoke-RestMethod” many times. And as I am in Austria and write some ToDos in German, I have to use “Umlaute” like “ä”,”ü”,”ö “.
This can be challenging, and I have faced that problem multiple over the past years, but I always started from scratch to figure out the solution. So I decided to write this down for you and for me.
The solution is straightforward, but let me explain a little.
We use the following Script to create a Microsoft ToDo Task
$title="This is a Test"
$JsonBody = @"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Headers $headers -Uri $URLCreateTask -Body $JsonBody
To get more details on creating an MS ToDo Task with PowerShell and GRAPH API, see my BlogPost here: Create Microsoft ToDo Task with PowerShell and Microsoft GRAPH API – TechGuy
The Result is the following
So far, so good, but now let’s try with “Umlaute” and use that Script
$title="Das ist eine Übung"
$JsonBody = @"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Headers $headers -Uri $URLCreateTask -Body $JsonBody
And here you see the problem. There is a strange Sign instead of “Ü.”
There is an easy solution, add the following to the Invoke-RestMethod “-ContentType “application/json; charset=utf-8”” and run the Script.
$title="Das ist eine Übung"
$JsonBody = @"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Headers $headers -Uri $URLCreateTask -Body $JsonBody -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
The Result now looks much better.
So, remember to add
-ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
to your Invoke-RestMethod to ensure that the German Umlaute are sent correctly.
Michael Seidl, aka Techguy
au2mate, everything