As I have written in this Post Work with NOTION API and PowerShell – TechGuy, I recently started with Notion as my central Planning and Note Tool. So I immediately reached a lot of ToDos in my Database.
As you can read in this Notion Documentation Pagination (, the Result Size is always 100 for each API Query. So as I have more than 100 Tasks in my Database, I had to deal with the Paging in Notion API and my PowerShell Script.
The Notion PowerShell Script
So, Notion sends “has_more” and “next_cursor” when the query returns more than 100 Results. So See the Script on how we deal with that.
$NotionAPIKey="Your Secret"
$DatabaseID="Your Database ID"
$Notionheaders = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $($NotionAPIKey)"
"Content-type" = "application/json"
"Notion-Version" = "2021-08-16"
$Cursor = $False
$AllNotionTasks = @()
do {
if (!($Cursor)) {
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$DatabaseID/query" -Method Post -Headers $Notionheaders
else {
$JsonBody = @"
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$DatabaseID/query" -Method Post -Headers $Notionheaders -Body $JsonBody
if ($Result.has_more) { $Cursor = $Result.next_cursor }
$AllNotionTasks += $Result
} until (!($Result.has_more))
All Notion examples can be found in my GitHub Repo: Seidlm/NOTION-PowerShell: PowerShell Scripts to work with NOTION (
Michael Seidl, aka Techguy
au2mate, everything
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