Heute gibt es wieder ein Interview und diesmal sogar mit einer Premiere, und zwar das erste Interview in englisch.
Der nächste MVP hat sich meinen Fragen gestellt, diesmal war es Robert Hedblom.
Ich durfte Robert auf der letzten MMS in Las Vegas 2013 persönlich kennen lernen. Aufgrund seines Wissens im SCDPM Bereich kannte ich Robert schon viel länger
Ab hier stellt sich Robert vor und beantwortet meine Fragen, zum Schluss gibt es noch alle Links auf denen Robert sein Wissen weitergibt.
Short Introduction of you and what you are doing
Robert Hedblom is an MVP for System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management with the focus of delivering optimal services based on the System Center stack, Windows Server and Microsoft Azure. The focus of the deliveries is Business Continuity whit a passion for disaster recovery scenarios.
As it comes to the passion of Fitness Sports?
I’m a CrossFit addict.
What was your way to IT?
Trying to mend my mother computer when I was 10 years old. I directly felt that this is what I would like to work with.
Your are traveling a lot, do you like it?
Its nice as long as my family doesn’t come in second place.
Your favorite System Center Product
All of them and then some more. The thing is not to install or deploy products, the focus of a delivery is to connet the delivery to the companies demans or strategies via designing optimal services running in a modern datacenter that is highly resilient and highly automated.
Your favorite System Center Feature?
Combining the products and beeing able to create scenario driven solutions for companies.
What does the MVP means for you?
Beeing able to help other, thats my entier focus, see the person who needs help and provide information to my teams inside Microsoft cooperation.
Which Guy from the IT are your “Role Models” and why?
I would like to see myself as the patient and tolerant one that in the end of the day provides what is actually needed for the solutions.
On which Conferences will you attend this year, TechEd, SCU….?
I presented on TechEd 2014 NA, I will present @ SCU Europe and TechDays in Sweden. I will also be on stage for NIC in Norway this february.
Last Words?
I’m very commited to help the community and also provide decent and correct information to Microsoft regarding how they could optimize their product stacks.
Ich bedanke mich bei Robert für die ausführlichen Antworten und hoffe das euch das Interview genau so viel Spaß macht beim lesen wie mir.
Hier noch eine Liste mit Links auf denen Stefan aktiv ist
Blog: http://robertanddpm.blogspot.co.at/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobertandDPM
Welche Person würdet ihr gerne mal interviewen?
Michael Seidl aka Techguy
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